Monday, March 23, 2009
We Made It!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Breakfast at Judy's

The rock formations around here are really something else. It's as if some fancy landscape artist has carefully placed all of these massive granite boulders throughout Bass Strait and then went crazy with orange and a yellowy green paint. Then a gardener came along and planted all sorts of weird and wonderful plants amongst these rocks followed by a sculptor who started carving animal figures but never completed any. We saw one rock, the size of a two story house that looked like an unfinished rhinoceros. As you can see, I've been quite moved by this landscape. Tonight's camp on Rebecca Bay is our last camp on Bass Strait before crossing Banks Strait in the morning and we are all feeling mixed emotions. We are all looking forward to getting home to our families but we will definitely miss paddling around these magnificent islands.
Wow! What a Trip!!

Before we knew it, we were having chip and dip with Judy and some of her friends in her back yard. "You can set up your tents here, I've got plenty of flat areas and you can have dinner too, I'm cooking a lamb roast for some of the elders". We didn't take long to accept such an offer, so it was back in the ute to fetch our gear and secure the kayaks for the night.
During our short stay we were given a guided tour of the high school and the surrounding community. We were impressed with Cape Barren's rich Aboriginal history and to learn that the people living here are the ancestors of the Tasmanian Aborigines who were brought here because their skills as expert sealers. It's these types of experiences that is making our trip so special.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Farewell Flinders

Early rise tomorrow as we cross Franklin Sound to Cape Barren Island to camp and then on to Clark Island for the following night. We seem to be running on track to cross Banks Straits on the 23rd, in time to meet my brother John and his son Damian who are taking my car across on the ferry. Hopefully the weather will hold out for our last crossing as I have heard that it can get pretty wild at times.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Greetings from Flinders Island !
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Dash to Royden Island

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Time to get these Kayaks out of the Bushes!!
It's been fantastic being here and getting to spend time with Wes and Ethel, today they even had us doing some odd jobs to earn our keep and tonight, we have been invited to a barbecue with them to try some Wallaby sausages. Not the local Wallabies, we were assured but the ones from the butcher on Flinders. Apparently that's what we had the other night when we thought we were having beef stew, I must say that we have been looking at these cute little critters in a different light ever since. Sadly our stay here is coming to an end as we prepare our kayaks for the sixty odd kilometre paddle to Royden Island, just off the coast of Flinders. The forecast is favourable for tomorrow and on Bass Strait, you need to take the opportunities to paddle whenever the weather permits, unfortunately this time it means that we have to get out of bed at half past three in the morning to do this but hopefully we will land in time to put our tents up in daylight.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Are We Fit Enough to Paddle Across Bass Strait?

...well if not, we sure will be by the time we walk all the tracks on Deal Island; and let me say, some of them are pretty steep.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Gale Force Winds on Bass Strait

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Cold and Wet but not Miserable.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Deal or no Deal ?

Thursday, March 12, 2009
This Place is Magnificent!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Greetings from Refuge Cove.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
All set to go!!
Driving from Queensland to Wilson's Prom is an adventure in itself. The kayaks and all the gear packed very well and the drive to Port Welshpool went quicker than expected. You can imagine what we spoke about most of the way down, I suppose that helped pass the time. We noticed the temperature getting colder and colder the further South we drove, I hope we three Queenslanders can handle the cooler nights ahead.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
It's time to go....Silvio
Well, I'm about to have a bit of breakky before leaving my comfortable home and fantastic wife and daughter for a couple weeks, that's probably going to be the hardest thing for me. I'll be picking the guys on my way down the coast in my "value added" car, how naive of me to think that it was probably a broken clutch cable. I was up for a total clutch and clutch plate, add to that a couple of new tyres and front end alignment and that just about blew my credit card. Fortunately for me I have another credit card, the one I used to buy a new hand held VHF after finding that my old one was no longer waterproof. Anyway, I hope that's all the bad luck out of the way!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Gear list for the gear freaks
As for the gear, this is my personal gear list but Craig and Brian will carry similar equipment though maybe not quite as much.
Silvio’s gear list for Bass Strait:
Kayak; Valley Nordkapp (must not forget!)
PFD with whistle, strobe and knife attached
2x Lendal 4 piece paddles (Kinetic Wing and Nordkapp with modified cranks)
Spray deck (Reed combination deck/vest)
15 metre tow line and 5 metre tow line
Foot and electric bilge pumps with magnetic reed switch
Netting attached to deck for storage
PLB – 406 GPS
Flare kit
Sea dye
Paddle float
Next G phone
GPS (Garmin Oregon 400c with charts)
Wind meter (Silva ADC)
Deck and chart compass
Princeton teck head lamp for night paddling with guardian light attached to back
Leatherman tool kit
First Aid Kit
Laminated charts
Waterproof camera (Pentax W60plus my original Pentax w60 as spare)
Pen and paper in chart case Cheap reading glasses
3x 6 litre MSR dromary bags – 1 in bottom of cockpit with drink hose
1.5 litres on PFD with Endura sports drink
1 liter Platypus soft drink bottle
Water purification tablets
330 mls vacuum flask under deck
Clothing paddling:
Reed fleece: beanie, long sleeve top, shorts, socks
Long thermals under Aquatherm pants
Reed Aquatherm: Skull cap, long sleeve top, long pants (pre bent), booties
Short sleeve Cag – Immersion Research
Paddling hat – Sunlids
Sunglasses x2
Fingerless gloves and neoprene fingered gloves
Water shoe suitable for hiking or as back up paddling shoe
Clothing Camping:
Merino long Johns and long sleeve top (sleep ware)
Synthetic long johns and 3x long sleeve top (two light, one medium)
Light weight rain jacket with hood and pants (double as wind breaker)
Tech pants – long
Tech shorts
Micro fiber zip up vest
Micro fiber long sleeve jacket
Tech jocks x 2 (merino)
Wool sock x 2 – light weight for sleeping
Fuzzy head wear with neck cowl
Camping Equipment:
Medium power head lamp for camping and as back up
Tent – Hilleburg Nalo GT
Exped 7 down filled mat with chair converter
Down filled sleeping bag – suitable weight for conditions
Thermal sleeping bag liner
Inflatable pillow
Trangia pots with Kovea Moonwalker stove
3x gas bottle
Ground tarp x 2 (varying sizes made of siliconized nylon)
Land camera (CanonG9)
Toiletries bag.....
Kayak repair kit:
Epoxy, FG mat and brush stored in sealed mixing container
Duct tape, length of wire, zip ties, small amount of epoxy putty, spectra, shock cord, stainless steel screws/bolts, spare skeg cable.
20 x lithium AAs for GPS. 12x rechargeable AAAs for head lamps.
Spare phone battery
Spare camera battery (G9& WP)
Dry bag with spare pump battery with 12v charger attached for phone charging
Small multimetre
Teas – 20 mixed herbal teas
14 zip lock bags of porridge/nuts/dried fruit/chai latte mix (just add water).
14 portions of mixed fruit and nut for on water and/or breakfast
14 satchels of instant Couscous meals (anytime of day)
14 serves of fish (salmon/tuna/sardines in small cans/foil satchels)
28 ‘Zone’ power bars (on water)
14 high protein bars
14 day packs of sweets (nut M&Ms/licorice/fruit slice etc)
14 recovery protein bars
14 dehydrated camping meals
14 pre portioned (heat shrunk) Endura powder (on water sports drink)
General daily supplements- Multi vitamins, Magnesium and energy tonics
12 small blocks of chocolate (the nice sort for deserts)
Now I know what you must be thinking... will the kayak float with all that gear in it? The answer is.. I think so! The Nordkapp is supposed to handle 130 kgs before being classed as overloaded and remember, I'm going to eat a lot in the first few days!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bass Strait...not long now!!
In case you're wondering what Brian is doing sitting 'side saddle' on a kayak, he's testing our makeshift sea wings made up of two paddle floats. We were originally going to do the trip with a fourth member making any emergency towing scenario more manageable. The theory behind an "assisted tow", is that one paddler assists an injured or sick paddler while the other two tow them. Unfortunately, our good friend Paul Lang sustained a wrist injury after a bike accident and had to pull out of the trip so we had to come up with an alternative (sorry Paul, you've been replaced by two inflatable bags).